going crazy

we took our dog to the vet this morning to get fixed and to have 2 teeth surgically removed. i’m so worried about him and it doesn’t help that we’re dead here at work, so he’s all i can think about. i just hope that everything goes alright with him. i know i wouldn’t be a happy camper if i had my balls removed. :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

all this plus these damn vets just tack on more charges… last minute too. they wanted to microchip him, which i think is pointless because he is never outside without one of us with him. this all is going to cost me like 400 bucks. damn vets!! don’t they realize that people don’t have health insurance for their pets?

so dont get him chipped then and save money. and who cares about his balls?? leave them, he isnt going to get pregnant.

Animal Rescue League chipped my dog for free when we got him… :dunno:

Anyways, I’m sure he’ll be fine… but you’re right about the charges. That sucks.

no, he needs those balls removed. last time we went to a dog park, 4 other dogs had to gang up on him (tackled him), then he got pissed and chased each one down and humped the shit outta them. definitely an alpha male and trying to be a badass already at 5 1/2 months.

does he run faster if he gets chipped?

j/k… i am sure he will be fine

That’s a retarded thing to do, don’t be responsible for your own dog…

Chipping is secondary, I didn’t do it to my dog cause he has his collar on at all times and the only real reason for chipping is theft IMHO… For some reason I do see anyone stealing Thunder as he’s way to big and protective of the yard.

BTW: You can get pet insurance these days due to the rising cost of vet bills. I’ve thought about it but have not done it yet.

Search google, there are tons of options…

i should have gotten him insurance before, but these vets are getting ridiculous. i’m not going to buy his meds from the vet anymore. they mark up the prices from what i could get them for online.


I’m a little iffy on online meds though, some of the meds have storage/expiration times that you can’t be sure are met… I haven’t had time to research this claim, but for now continue to buy my meds at the vet…

Here’s some info on the pet meds online company:

Doesn’t sound too good expicially the whole unauthorized reselling of the medicaiton.

just got off the phone with the vet, everything went well. and i thought i was paranoid, my wife was so worried she had to excuse herself from the classroom she was teaching to go throw up. i’m hoping that someday my Piston will be as handsome as silvrhand’s Thunder http://www.strangeness.org/gallery/Thunder/thunder

if u get him chipped will he run faster?


heh, i can’t run with him now… and i’m fast… i sure hope the chip doesn’t make him any faster

i hope when he comes home he waits till you’re asleep and chews your balls off. You sick bastard.


bad dreams…here we come