help this dog

this is a buddy of mine form the website

please help him out.

My cat back home recently became sick and we were informed he had cancer and wouldn’t live another 4 hours. He is 21 lbs and the coolest fat cat ever.

It’s been over 2 weeks later he is no longer sick and happy as ever. Sometimes I wonder where veterinarians learn this stuff.

Sad to hear about the dog, hope he makes it.

Get a new dog :gotme:.

As hard as it may be. I’d have to agree, forcing a dog to go through chemo, etc. just is not worth it.

For the cost they have spent they could have gotten another puppy and a nice memorial plaque or something for the previous dog.


nuke old dog, get cuter puppy

Ugh. Talk about an awful situation. Good luck to them.

Don’t pay for things you cannot afford.

That’s like my posting up asking the forum for money because my gearbox went out.

i understand people love their dogs and all…and i’ll admit i’m one of them, but come on! i think it would be different if dogs lived like 30-40 years.

how do we know he’s actually legit and not making this up to reside his house or something? lol

Obviously there is an emotional attachment, and this is not far-fetched, but they gotta make sure the dog isn’t living in pain!

It sounds like the people are putting the dog through alot of pain just to deal with their emotions. Save the dog the pain and move on to a new animal for the family.

no different than what families put people thru.


CHEMO , for a DOG? thats crazy, does it lose hair?

sorry pets are costly when they are sick is there pet insurance ?

as terrible of people as we may be, :word:

Been there done that. Thats why I said get a new dog. It is very hard becuase people have such an intense emotional attatchment to their animals, I should know, I had 4 dogs, now 3. But a new doggie will eas the pain of losing one. We’ve always had at least 2 dogs. After one of them died we had 1 for a while, then my sister got 2, and we had 3, till 2 of them did the doggy dance and now I got my Bruno monster lol. It wasn’t even a litter…it was a lit. There was 1 pup and he was/is HUGE! (father was around 65 lbs, mother is 45 lbs, Bruno is around 120lbs lol.

shoot the dog, get another dog.

you can’t possibly believe that Chemo will be a “nice” experience for a dog which has no cognitive means to understand that it is “for their own good”.

I love my animals very dearly and I would never try to justify torturing them for my own sake.

Do you know what chemo is like?

I’ll rent the M from you for a week. $20?