Lost a family member yesterday

We had to put down one of our dogs Saturday afternoon. His name was Osiris and was fifteen years of loving, happy, completely devoted fluff n’ tuff. Best damn dog that we have ever owned and he will never be replaced. About a month ago he developed a large lump in his upper jaw that became infected. After weeks of dealing with some shitty vets giving us the runaround we finally got him into a place that was willing to knock him out to perform a visual exam and he was diagnosed with a cancerous lump in his upper orbital/skull region that was inoperable.

We kept him home on some pain medication and tried to keep him as comfortable as possible while we worked out a schedule to put him to sleep. I cannot watch nor let a dog suffer, but while on the medication he came back around and acted damn near like his old self again. Running around, tail waggin, chasing flashlight and laser dots on the floor. We fed him the good stuff. Ice cream, nice steaks with the works. Home made turkey dinners and mac and cheese. Breakfast every morning of scrambled eggs and all sorts of good things. The stuff that dogs really want but shouldn’t eat but we didn’t care at that point. He should have what he wants. Towards the last couple weeks while waiting to find an opening he started getting worse and we were afraid he wasnt going to make it. all our kids and grand kids got to say goodbye to him and it was like he was holding out until everyone had the chance to see and play with him one last time.

My cousin came up(original owner) from the NYPD to be here and the four of us took him down wrapped up in his favorite bed sheets and blankets. PetSmart down in the old Mowhawk plaza there with that vet hospital inside it. Fantastic people there…

He went to sleep at just past 4pm. I held it together for the most part while there, and through our dinner when we left, but I completely broke down once we got home and I went into the shop. Haven’t missed a dog this bad since my first dog passed and the house just feels a bit more empty without him around now.

There are people who like dogs, and then there are those like me that love them like family. You all know who you are. Take the time today to play with your buddies because they are there for you any time of any day and will never bitch/whine/moan/complain if you just want to give them a big hug and belly rub.


I am so sorry to hear…therr is nothing like a dogs love may he rip

Sorry to hear man. Ive got 2 that are like the kids I never had, My old man (zeus - am staff/corgi mix) is coming up on 7, ive raised him since he was 2 weeks old. He’s been with me through so much. I swear that dog can read my mind. Was my first dog.

Then Ive got my bulldog pup that i bought after my mom passed. Both amazing dogs, passed out with me on the couch right now as i type.

Sorry to hear Adam. I know that feeling all too well :frowning:

I’m sorry for your loss Adam. Dogs are a big part of my life too and I know how hard it is to let one go. It sounds like you gave him a pretty good life.

Sorry to hear that, Adam.


He was an awesome pup

sorry man may he rip.

Sorry to hear Adam losing a 4 legged family member is never easy. I like you when my German Shepard passed away, broke down (The dog was by my side since I was a year old) she lived to be 18.

I came home from work, went out back to see her in the yard as she was barking for me, gave her a quick pet she seemed happy, went upstairs to change and when I came back down she had passed. I felt terrible because at the time, and that entire day while I was sad I held it together I knew the day was close (she had morning where she just dident want to move that much). The next day I completely broke down realizing that the dog that I woke up with every year for the past 18 years of my life is no longer there.

If I had known she was going to go, if she was going to wait to see me one last time I would have made sure to bring he homea nice big t-bone.

I havent had to put any of my animals down, but I would have a feeling that would be much harder on me than my dog passing on their own terms. You bet your ass I’d be doing the same thing as you.

Dogs are pretty amazing, they seem to know when your having a bad day, when your sick. Hell even if you and another member have a little fight, they always stay close and somehow seem to do whatevery they can in their own way to makew things right. Dogs are crazy when it comes to human energy and its crazy how something simple like hopping on the couch and putting their hea don your lap looking up just like a “Hey its okay” can change your day.

Sorry to hear man.

Very sorry to hear that Adam. You know my number if you need anything dude. At least his last few days were filled with all the dog treats, steak, and other food all dogs crave.

Thanks buddy. Yeah he was just the most laid back dog ever. I miss his body summersault roll thing with legs pointing stright up with that “rub ma belly!” look.

When my daughter was young she called him moose one day and it stuck. i started calling him Moosseymoose because of that and the way he hobbled along when trying to run at his age.

Damn. At least he’s not in pain now.

Sorry to hear dude. Dogs are a big part of my family as well.

My dog is currently 14 and Im dreading the day when he has to go. Currently he’s fine but 14 is old age for a dog.

Sorry to hear man… putting down dogs is the worst

Sorry man, toughest part of life.

shouldnt have read this thread, Im def not gonna be able to handle the day my boy Jaws goes or I have to put him down, I love that dog more then any single member of my family.

sorry man.

Sorry Adam, shitty situation. I had nearly the same experience with my 15 yr old scottie Mickey right before chirstmas 2011. He can never be replaced.

Sorry to hear adam…

Sorry man.