Adding to jegs thread (sad)

Just read jegs thread about his dog… I had to put our familys dog to sleep last night.
Kody was a pure bread siberian husky…with light blue eyes. The most beautiful dog ever, we found out she had a tumor on her liver and it burst, they belived the cancer spread throughout her body. We came to the vets at 6pm last night where kody was laying in a cage barley breathing. Watching the vet give her the shot was probably the worst thing I have ever saw. It was hard seeing my whole family in tears. even my dad, who, in my 19 years of living,have never seen him shed a tear.
It sucks, she was 11 years old and was a very healthy dog untill the past few days.
I know most people on here know how it is to lose a pet, and it has to be the worst thing ever… she was a part of the family. I am worried because our wiener dog is 14 years old…although he is still trucking along healty as hell I know it’s only a matter of time.
God this sucks…
Just though I would share my pain.
On a better note I took my r6 out today and had a blast riding for a few hours!

Worst pain I every felt was when we had to put down our first Rottie.He was 7 and had cancer.Were times at work the next day where I could barely see as my eyes were full.Best thing to think is that he feels nothing now.
This is were we came our for our name for the pizzeria we are opening.Rocky’s.
Damn eyes are tearing up again as I write this and it’s been 3 yrs.

Same thing I posted in Jeg’s thread:

That sucks dude. +1 for it being OK to cry. 2 years ago I got the first dogs I’ve ever had. Best friends I’ve ever had (not counting my fiance of course.) I’m gonna ball like a baby when they go. Hopefully it won’t be for a long time.

Oh, and if you ever decide to get another dog I’d highly recommend rescuing one. It breaks my heart to think that my best friend was hours from euthenasia at one point.


our wiener dog is 14 years old…although he is still trucking along !


That part made me smile. It sucks to hear that man. I love my dog so friggin much it drives me crazy thinking something will happen to her. Time to get a tattoo of her somewhere to remember her.

i had to let my dog down due to some one dumping anitfreeze behind their garage. he was a mut with just about every breed in him he was still the dopest dog ever pretty quiet didnt make a mess of anything except the dirty laundry. it was hard for the whole family and the saddest part is that they put him down on 9/11/01. he was only 7 but his liver was failing and he wasnt able eat he looked sad and we know something was up with him a day prior of us taking him to the vet to see whats up with him.

now we have a little annoying weiner dog. hes still dope but just as much as an attetion whore as beck is. i often call him beck jr.

:tdown: I’m very sorry to hear that man. At least I can say I feel your pain.


Oh, and if you ever decide to get another dog I’d highly recommend rescuing one. It breaks my heart to think that my best friend was hours from euthenasia at one point.


Yeah definatly. Dog’s have this strang bond with people. They can just sense your emotions no matter how you try to hide them. That is why it hurts so bad when they go. The next dog I get is going to be a rescued one.

weiner dog ftw. hey, did your dog small weird because of its breed? i want a daushand or whatever but i’m hearing they “smell bad”. ?

my dog smells like teen age girls after beck has been with them. no, but they smell normal i wold assume i came from a mix dog that always smelled funny de to him liking to lay in the grass / mud alot.

just really hard to potty train them took us about till he was 1 to stop peeing and pooping in the house. but every once in awhile he will do it. its not bad tho and its not like he will shit like a great dane and leave the whole floor flooded or make a small baby from his intestines.

they are the cutest little things as puppys.

I would imagine a dog smells funny because of improper grooming and/or diet. :bloated:

one less dog is OK with christian newman.

i would say grooming. my mom washes him every few weeks bt you dont want to do it too much but once a month is good for them, and also clipping the hair (for the long hair ones) in between their nails is a good idea so things that can smell doesnt get stuck in the hair there.

[quote=“Mrs. Karus,post:8,topic:25845"”]

weiner dog ftw. hey, did your dog small weird because of its breed? i want a daushand or whatever but i’m hearing they “smell bad”. ?


his breath smells horrible… if that’s what you are getting at.

Sorry to hear about the loss. It’s always terrible to lose a pet.

My buddy has a miniature dashound and he smells fine :gotme:

When i had to get my dog put to sleep it was the worst day of my life.I had it since i was 1 and we put him down since he was just old and could hardly walk,he was 16.

Hope your other dog lives for many more years.

Sorry to hear about that. I’m going to be in the same position pretty soon with one of my pugs.

She’s going blind, deaf, has arthritis and a copd. She’s still a happy dog though, so I’m hoping I don’t have to put her down and that she just dies a natural death.

Again, that’s uber sad.

that’s so true that most people don’t know what it’s like to lose a pet and don’t think anything of it.

think about it though. when you have a dog from the time it’s a puppy until it’s dies, that’s normally about 15 years of friendship and connection. That’s a horrible thing to lose. That dog was probably closer to you than some family members.

that really sucks. One of my mom’s dogs is heading downhill and i’m dreading the day he goes. that’s life though i guess.