My very close friend/neighbor Marrion died yesterday morning. She was such a sweet woman. When I was growing up and my tourettes was really bad and like nobody wanted me around she was one of the few who accepted me and use to treat me like a person and not some kind of freak. She would have me over and we would play cards and she would make me cookies and stuff. Seriously what the fuck. I’m not trying to sound like some pussy or something by posting this…but like what then hell can I do to get over this? I’ve been a wreck. I went out with Jack last night for a little bit, which helped…but still. This just sucks. :tdown: x a million. Losing a dog is a horrible feeling. Losing someone that is very special to you and close to your heart is a horrible feeling. When they are back to back like this…its devastating. I was suppose to go visit her in hospice today…I didn’t even get to say goodby.
Edit: sorry I posted this in the wrong forum. Mods please move to OT.
losing the things we love in life are what makes living life so DIFFICULT. if not it would be easy and no one would have to struggle to survive. things like this, tho they may seem too heavy and unbearable. they can often be thought of as blessings.
look at it this way all good things in life will be returned to us in the afterlife, and tho it may be rough now, the afterlife will bring with it great joy and wonderful love from all the people/friends/family/pets that we will be given a 2nd chance with.
about the dog, its hard. best friends can never be REPLACED. however the void they filled can be. I had to put my best friend to sleep this spring(he was a 14 y.o beagle who i have been best friends with since i was 5) AND I HAD TO LIVE WITH THE FACT THAT I KILLED him(euthanasia). i mourned for about a week until i realized i had a great home for an animal to live and be loved. so i went to BUFF. SPCA and adopted a little baby girl beagle. she isnt my old best friend, she is my new best friend. 1 whom i was glad to give a home to, otherwise who knows where she would have ended up.
you obv. like animals. so wait until you are ready and find a new dog who brings back that same feeling of kinship your old dog did.
GLWgetting through this. be strong and remember, the harder the tests in life are the more accomplished our life’s outcome can be.
Well all our dogs are like family. They ar all very sweet tempered and stuff. But what I’m the most upset about is losing my neighbor. Like I said…she waalways super nice to me when I was a kid and a miserable little shit. She had diabetes and had both her legs amputated. They got infected and the drs couldnt clear the infection, it just kept coming back because of her weak immune system. I was planning on going to see her today…which is why its so hard. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her.
Keep active thats what what helps most. Whenever you catch yourself mourning/dwelling…DO SOMETHING! It gets your mind on something else. Besides from the way you describe her, she wouldnt want u to be down. I’ve been through my share of losses too. The sadness DOES fade, and you’ll remember the good times.