Is anyone heading down for the festivities, this year the college got OAR to play and should be a really good time, i know it shares some compettion with he rigotta but im sure this year the town will be flooded based on the simple fact OAR is playing. As long as you can manage not peeing in public you can stay out of cuffs

it is this saturday

some chic told me to go…maybe

May 2 ?

it’s this weekend

yes may 2nd

Ugh doesn’t OAR do that “crazy game of poker” song or whatever?

Such a modern hippie jam band…some d-noz plays that song every week at a bar i go to. The first time i heard it i thought it was good…until like the 4th minute of it…then i was ready for it to end…and by the time it ended 10 minutes later i hated the band.

Wow, havent heard of Fred Fest since I went to school there in 03. Good times when you know everyone on campus. I cant imagine it being fun since I have been out of school for a while.

It is more fun with friends, so bring some down!

I am looking forward to a good weekend. The town will be swamped but it’ll still be a blast.

… and no I am not going to OAR.

I’d go for the Much More Chill concert before I went for OAR.

Last one I went to a bunch of chicks were trying to make a mud wrestling pit but couldn’t figure out how to get water into the pool full of dirt from the apartment kitchen. Thank god for an engineer who knew how to work a siphon in the name of muddy bewbies. :nerd:

uggg…i have to go home and get that battery

Fucking do it already! I want to try and get a group ride going this weekend before everyone gets hammed.

i effing hate OAR

I love OAR! :slight_smile:

I love lamp!

Do you really love lamp?

I’m just looking around the room and naming things I see.

Or however the rest of that goes…

Might have to take a cruise.

How much are tickets? I love OAR.

Anyone taking a trip?

damnnnnnn im gonna be in colombus

I am going down to FredFest on Saturday Night

I think that god awful band actually sold out already.