Attn: VW Peeps

What weekend did you say the big show down here was? Anyone planning on coming down?


I doubt I can do much of a discount, but if you can get 9 or so rooms I might be able to hook you up with a complementary hospitality room where you can all hang out and get trashed/play poker/whatever. Or I can at least make sure you are all together, assuming space is available.


Sept. 25 & 26. A bunch of my buddies are going. I think i’m gonna save my money.

really? Thats sunfest weekend. Most of OC will be pretty much sold out. :frowning:

i’m pretty sure

football on the beach

what show


my buddy got condo for that weekend… as long as things go right ill be down again since i have nothing better to do… :slight_smile:

i’d like to come down for that… probably won’t make if :hs:

i might be there.

what the hell is sunfest? it sounds like a bunch of hippie rednecks are gonna be roaming the beach, either that or fags.

darkstar, if i just got one or 2 rooms could u hook anything up? or whats the AAA rate thursday-sunday

no aaa rate in oc

military discount…

no AAA rate my ass, squid. maybe certain places but i doubt its “NO AAA IN OC”

Sunfest = arts and crafts, cultural foods, blah blah. Its gay, but it packs the town for some reason. My hotel doesnt do a AAA rate, but lots of places in OC does. Availability is really low at my place that weekend too, but ill check and get back to you.