Who's coming to OC now that the race is postponed?

Who else is gonna come down? A few can crash in my room. There are only a few rooms left.

So far myself, SP71Supra and turbotalon91 all have rooms. Anyone else comin?

me :smiley:

i might come without undre wear… is that acceptable?>

Originally posted by whitey
i might come without undre wear… is that acceptable?>

DArkstar, show Whitey were the :greddy: bar is…

ibwhiteybansme :embarass:

Details of this OC show? Costs? Dates?

i’d go… what kind of rooming situation is open?

Originally posted by turbovw18
i’d go… what kind of rooming situation is open?

rooming. Well, theres a few efficencies left I believe. Which will be 2 double bedsand a kitchen, and i think there some standards with a pull out couch left, which will sleep 6 people easily. Should be about 100-110/night, which aint bad considering you can split is 6 ways if need be. And I have some room left in my room if anyone needs to crash. All i ask is for $20 or something like that, cause I only get like 15% off…

Show is cheap to get into, if you actually want to go into the show… all of the cars that are in the show (except the “uber leet” which are inside) are all out running around on the streets at night. Last year there were 700 vehicles entered in the show. So imagine all of those 700 vehicles crusinging up and down a 10 mile strip of flat, smooth pavement with a stoplight once every 100 yards… The possibilities are endless. :smiley:

Oh, and dont forget the hundred thuosand or so senior weekers who will be descending on the town. Drunk en teenage sluts wearing bikini’s > *

Originally posted by whitey
i might come without undre wear… is that acceptable?>

of course! But only if you bunk with me… :naughty:

I might be in, now that the race is bumped. There are some nice spots to race on this side of the draw bridge.:cool: I’ll see if I can round up some people:bigok:

what’s the date? i’m all about headin to the OC show if i’ll have some ppl to chill with while i’m there

Originally posted by P8NT-BALLAH
I might be in, now that the race is bumped. There are some nice spots to race on this side of the draw bridge.:cool: I’ll see if I can round up some people:bigok:

yep, there most certainly are… :naughty:

I live right on this side of the bridge, and i can probably name about 10 awesome places where races can be held.



and heres a link to my hotel…

Originally posted by Darkstar



cool, i’ll have to get back to you i guess

Originally posted by OnTheRun710
cool, i’ll have to get back to you i guess


I really wish i could stress how much fun this show was last year. Even with the the rainy weather. Pulling up to a stoplight and seeing a fully converted S14 w/ SR20 putting out 500hp on one side, and an R32 Skyline on the other side = teh win. :cool:

Ocean City>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Carlisle

money down on room at reservation, or on the spot? only staying 2 nights, fri sat?

yeah sign me up for a room mike me and my gf

just call my cell to get my credit card #

Originally posted by turbovw18
money down on room at reservation, or on the spot? only staying 2 nights, fri sat?

first night + tax as deposit, balance at checkin. Fully refundable up to 72hr before checkin.

Originally posted by whitey
yeah sign me up for a room mike me and my gf

just call my cell to get my credit card #

you got it boss. :cool: