FREE 3 Ring Binders (1")

Cleaned out my office and I have several (around six, seven) 1" 3 ring binders… All white.

The spines have some label on them but they can be reused easily, just tape over it.

basically, they look like this:

It’s a waste to throw them out, so if anyone wants these for school / work, reply here or PM me. Location is Latham, near the Keeler Honda off Route 7.

is this nga srs

Hey I just thought it’d be a waste to toss them… I have enough binders at home so maybe someone could use 'em…

I was jk, you’re a good man Archie.

I’ll take one binder, do you accept paypal?

You being serious? If so, swing by you can have 'em all man… You know how to reach me.

i def couldve used them during school, but im out now. I dont blame you for putting them up, you could def help someone out thats going to school or whatever.

double post deleted, sorry guys

bump for some ill a$$ binders!

Knowledge is PoWeR yO!!


how much $ per binder?

You could always drop them off at a school. Sometimes they have a school supply donation program for underpriveledged kids.

100% no sarcasm at all that’s actually a decent idea!

I want them.

i heard you just can’t let pjb drop them off at a school cuz he’s not allowed within 200 feet

That’s mean… he had a good idea. :tongue lol

how much shipped to 12065

omg just drive and pick em up !!!

These binders have now moved to the 12065. PM me if you are serious.