Free CAD?

does anyone know if there is a CAD program that i can download? i want to design a Strut Tower Brace for 90-93 accords since a lot of companys dont make them. if i designe it i can have someone at my dads work make it for me, thanks!

Torrents are your friend…and what are u familar with I have Inventor 10 and Inventor 6…AutoCad 2007, 2004, 2000i, Mechanical Desktop all readily available

How much cad/design experience do you have? It’s not just throwing some shit in the car/on paper.

i took a class in high school last year so for the most part i know what im doing, if i have troubles my teacher can help me out :slight_smile:

probably CAD 04, im not sure what version we had in my high school, i can find out tho

forty bucks.

i saved you some trouble. because yours is going to suck just as bad as that one.

lol why do you say that? this is something im not just going to throw together

i always have doubts in most peoples fab skills until they prove me wrong. You being in, or just out of HS leads me to believe that yours are not exactly honed yet… Also, while cad is a great tool, you may find it to be slightly overkill for this project… Maybe not. By the time you enter all the required data for the dwg, you could have had it built.

im not fabbing it, my fab skills suck lol, im a shitty welder. i figure if i can design it, i can give the measurements to my dads friends who know they can do it.

what’s dwg? :shrug:

btw, you can give him the measurements without cad, the design is fairly straight forward. But do what you wish, you don’t need our approval.

I gotta agree with this… not really worth it for a STB IMO (unless you plan on mass producing them). You could probably build one by eye for 1/2 the time… it’s not exactly something you need to get real precise, just make sure it clears the hood and motor and that you got a place to bolt it down to


oh i know, its just that i dont have access to a welder and i suck at it, so i just thought that i can design it, to give them an idea so they can do it for me.


Autodesk Autocad drawing file.

Suck it, 'gas.

take some simple measurements and sketch them down on paper :tup:

edit: hell… shoot them over to me and I’ll make ya a model/drawing you can use. Cad software can be quirky… but if it’s something that you want to learn, by all means… go for it :tup: it can be very rewarding

:wink: i expected that to be the next question…

ms paint?

i want to design one like this…

I can tell you one year of a cad class is not going to give you enough experience to design it and FEA it, then get it out the door.

If you were out of college I would give yo a chance doing it, but its not just throwing a bunch of lines together.

ps .dwg sucks donkey nutes, .sldprt is where it is at

*.prt *.asm *.drw What?