Free file hosting site???

my brother, who’s 5 hours away, wants to send me something thats over a GB. whats a good site he can upload it to, for me to download? ive already thought about torrents, but it’d be too hard for him to figure it all out. thanks

DVD & mail?


gmail virtu-drive?

Is it something good?

mailing would prolly be the easiest way, but it will take a few days. i doubt he’d be able to figure out ftp’ing. and i dont have gmail nor does he.

and it’s just some files that i had on his computer i want

rapidshare and filefront are free I think.

there was also another site where you upload the file and only X amount of people can download it for a certin amount of time before it’s automatically deleted. not sure on size limits but you could always RAR it into a multi part file

maybe i can try this via ftp. ive never sent files through ftp through an ip address. ive done through a site.

i downloaded SmartFTP, found it was a popular one. how would we go about connecting to each other? im guessing i would go to File => New Remote Browser. then for the host, do i type in his IP address? and he would do the same steps, and type in mine? then connect anonymously right? would that get us connected?

actually… can you do it thru a remote session? so he’d log onto your PC via windows via the internet and d/l it from you in real time?

nah, cant do it that way

AIM direct connect is surprisingly decent and you can send whole directories

FTP… FTW… if you need some easy server software and instructions PM me… your aim name and i’ll hook ya up