saw Jclark’s thread and reminded me of another actually FREE M3 I found on CL :ninja
Free 1998 BMW M3
Date: 2008-12-23, 7:41PM PST
Should buff out however if you aren’t the buffing type, probably best to bring a flatbed.
HAHAHAHAAHA at the description of the ad.
i think some guy on m3f or bf.c went and picked up that one vadar, or at least they said they were going to
Black Vadars are better. I loved rankins black ones. so f’in comfy
regardless of the color it’s the same seat :rofl 
the car i’m lookin at ain’t got vadars. a + and a - at the same time :shifty
black vadars > M3 w/o vadars
That, my friend, can be debated…
shut up fanboi u aint gettin shit
this threads fucking gay. i have a non destroyed m3 roller. has tons of good parts on it. buy it. k thanks