Heads up on a sweet summer daily driver


M3 - 1998 - 4 door - 5speed - SILVER

The price may be a little high for 105000 miles but that can always be negotiated.
It says coupe but the car in the picrure has 4 doors.:rolljerk:
I wish I could go for my third in a row silver, 5 speed, four door.:biglaugh:
You may have seen my thread way back when complaining about Euro, stick, silver, 4 doors available locally.
I would be on this car in a minute but it is just bad timing for me.


and now it works for me…:banghead:

Hmmm I love the 4 door and the color but the price seems high for the mileage.

The ad works for me…and ya 16k is a bit high. I think 12k would be a fair price for that car, those things are sweet.

Trade for 98 Nissan Maxima


I can’t get it to work…

(N’ctrl’s car = sex)

Thats what is gives me when I click the link…

I dunno, Maybe I need to clean house on the computer

Maybe its the old bait and switch…

You go flying in there to buy it and they say, “The M3 is sold BUT, we just got this nice Yugo in, would you like to buy a Yugo instead”?


That was most definitly overpriced for an E36 M3 with that kind of mileage.

apparently its not too far off the mark, maybe a couple grand.

i guess 4 door 5 sp was somewhat rare

Alittle bit but it’s nothing to special, the color is pretty common, the car doesn’t have vaders and the interior isn’t a rare color.

I can’t imagine droping 17k on something with over 100k miles.

What are vaders?

Back in 1998 240hp was nice, now it’s the minimum.:biglaugh:
It would still be an awesome daily for a little less money.
Maybe $13,000?


Yeah what are vaders?

that’s the name of the sport seats that come in e36 m models

people who buy mkiv supra’s do it all the time.

Vaders are the nickname for the sporty E36 M3 front seats.

They look like this



The standard “luxury” interior front seats like the car in the ad has.


only thing I don’t like about the vaders is they’re too wide. I’m 5’10" 165 lbs. I don’t need a seat wide enough for someone 280 lbs. it’s a fucking sports car for gawd sakes

although if i ever get the e36 wagon I’ve been scouting for the past 5 years, it will get black leather vadars (its as nice as e36 gets)

i love the e30 seats, and even better are the e21 recaros. mmmm e21 recaros…

I believe most of the 4drs came with the lux package, vaders were kind of rare in the sedan. They still aren’t bad seats, I really like my luxury package non-vader seats.

It’s slightly over priced, but not by a ton. 5sp sedans hold their value pretty well because there were a fair amount of automatics built too which no one wants now.