free ringtone promotion from VZW


Free Ringtone 12/31/06!!!

Text the word “Tone” to the # “2007” on 12/31
Step-By-Step Directions for Downloading Free Ringtone:

  1. Go to Get it Now on your VZW phone
  1. Select “Music & Tones” or “Tunes & Tones”
  1. Select “Get New Ringtone”
  1. Download the application OR open VZW Tones Deluxe
  1. Select “Get Tones”
  1. Search catalog and preview songs
  1. Pick song and select “purchase”
  1. Select “Redemption Code”
  1. Enter redemption code “2007

Note: The redemption code will be valid from 12:00am ET on 12/31/06 to 11:59pm PT 12/31/06.

only valid on 12/31/06


Is that only valid for 1?



Fucking no get it now on my 6700.

Oh wait, I can make my own ringtones :stuck_out_tongue:

only way to roll, AFAIC


nice, thx. no downsides like text spamming or anything…eh?

hacked razr + custom mp3 ringtones = plush.

But to those who pay for ringtones, awesome deal since a ringtone usually is what? 3 bucks?

nope, this is a legit offer. if vzw wanted to text spam you, you’d be getting it already.

so i have to text first, then download? do i have to wait for a text response or anything?

im not positive if the “text first” is required, it doesnt seem to be.

edit: its not a big deal to do it first though, and i would to be safe

how do i do this with the xv6700

ahh thanks for the bizzump!

wtf! “network is down” been gettin that all damn day!

same here

gogo verizon, way to blow smoke up everyones ass.

only one of those apps support this crap, and the service has been unavailable all day.

good game verizon.

I got mine, and it worked just fine. lrn2ply

yea i couldnt get it either, bullshit