bump you silly bitches
BuMp im heading out now with Twizted
meant the world to me…love you all and thanks for your support.
<3 g*ntie
good times had at o and after.
Go grab the west coast by the balls. And kick some ass. :tup:
very fun times even though you all left wayyy to early … i had to go out and find my own fun
guys…im not moving yet!
i’ll be back in august…
but after then im moving somewhere…i dont know where as of yet…im waiting to hear back from schools so whoever takes me in to transfer, thats where im going, and chances of my staying in buffalo…are very very slim…albany and seattle look most promising…i’ll keep you posted…but thank you for all the best wishes.
the AK will be bAcK.
good times! nice turnout too
let’s see some pics! (miiiiike you got you new digi now let’s see the results!)
Jan and I ended up talking to andrew peters and his brother for like 5 minutes before leaving. That was titties in a half shell :tup:
Good times last night! Zee pics will be funny.
ok ok pics are on the way before i get murdered by multiple people
good boy.
weird i dident think i was gonna be in any of these pics because i dont rember anyone taking any of me. weird feeling when u really dont rember it.
good times though :tup:
Someone remind me to not be allowed in pictures anymore…people are gonna start to wonder :lol:
pics turned out goooooooooooood
awesome night
hey mike, where are all the after party pics? you know, the suttbex ones…