Friday May 8, 2009 - NECC MEET

LOL, what cars were parked there when you showed up? I was there at about 8:05 and nobody came up and asked that when I was there. Must have been earlier. In any case, that was weird and slightly rude :smiley: Sorry that happened to you.

lol well im glad to hear you guys are alot more friendly than the latter board/forumā€¦ cough(areacode)ā€¦
i went out with a buddy yesterday looking for a cruise. met up with some cool mechanics on the otherside of the park but was lookin into getting some stickers for my 180ā€¦ but yeah i went to u.c. and didnt see any n.e.c.c. stickers so i was like w.t.f. lolā€¦ and then to top it off im trying to talk to all of them, check out there cars and say hi and none of them give me the time of day, bad experience for me lolā€¦ hopefully next time will be better

Yeah sorry about what happened usually im there at 7:45pm and am one of the first but I got there late about 8:25pm or so. lol. We are trying to not end up at UC (for many different reasons) for official meets. So if you look for us there on official meet days there wiill probably be not too many of us there. We all went to BPS on Calagary Trail.

My cell (Steve) is 780-903-5357 you can always give me a call and I can let you know where were at. or if you want to meet us at the end spot because you missed the cruise. That goes for anyone too.

Cool.thanks slot man. Iā€™m looking forward to the next meet

We are not going to make it a habit to show up to 780 meets. We want our meets to be more sociable so we are ending at places where we can sit and bullshit for awhile over drinks and food. Although sometimes we will go there cuz a bunch of us know some of the 780 guys and itā€™s fun once in awhile :smiley:

and then to top it off im trying to talk to all of them, check out there cars and say hi and none of them give me the time of day, bad experience for me lolā€¦ hopefully next time will be better

I also have an issue with this at 780 meets. Some of the guys are great guys to talk to, others, not so much. But what pisses me off is that some preach about how friendly they are and that if there is a noob, just come up to them and they will talk to youā€¦I call bullshit. I have seen it with myself and I have heard many stories like yours. Some people couldnā€™t be bothered talking to new guys.

Itā€™s a very cliquey crowd. There are a bunch of nice guys mixed in that crowd but trying to converse with them is hard to do without getting looks from others ala ā€œWho the fuck are you and why are you here?ā€

We have another meet in a few weeks so hopefully you can make it out and finally meet us :smiley: We can set you up with some decals as well.

here are some pics from the meet. It was awesome to see more RWD cars than FWD this time around. Glad I got to meet all of you!

Yeah. Iā€™m looking forward to getting some stickers on my car

Just wanted to put my 2 cents in here - I was under the impression that the UC meet was not a 780 meet, but a car meet in general. I think it would be great if more people/clubs showed up, especially the friendlier ones. I have no idea who belongs to what club for the most part, but almost everyone Iā€™ve talked to at UC has been friendly. I just think itā€™s a shame that you guys donā€™t want to show up because of some people, and the rest of us miss out on seeing some nice cars.

We donā€™t show up because they are unfriendly, that is not what I was explaining. I was merely explaining to 180essex that I agree there is not that many friendly people at the 780 meets. And honestly they are 780 meets. The meets are posted on 780, organized by 780 users and 780 users are the ones who speak with the management of UC to use their parking lot.

Yes there are some car clubs that show up to the meets, but far more clubs donā€™t show up to 780 meets. I donā€™t know why they refuse to show up. As for us, a number of members expressed last year, that they didnā€™t want us heading to UC during every meet we have. So we decided to change things up this year :smiley:

yeah i think it makes for better convo when you have more to relate to when you walk upto a guy and have the same carā€¦ plus im taking a shit in the dark. but n.e.c.c. seem like more of a communal site where everybody come to relate and chit chat

I hope you donā€™t shit in the dark lol. We try to be more inviting

Horse shit that you didnt see any n-e-c-c cars.
I was there at United Cycle, parked in a spot where EVERYONE could see my car.

Well now that wasnā€™t so friendly was it? :wink:

You havent met me yet :stuck_out_tongue:
Everyone knows Im extremly nice.

lmfao whoopsiesā€¦ *shot in the darkā€¦
mmm cant say ive ever shit in the dark lol

i was one of the three guys standing there and we did say it was the necc meet dont know if you didnt hear us or not but oh well its in the past :smiley: were you with that orange prelude that stopped by ?

Exactly i was also one of those guys but it has already been coveredā€¦ so mehā€¦ was a good meet i was just outta town for the weekend but ill throw up those pics i have as wellā€¦

yeah man that was me lolā€¦ shoulda got outta my car and talked to you guysā€¦ but yeah i didnt hear youā€¦ and me and my buddy were confused cuz it was our firsttimeā€¦ blah blah blahā€¦
but yeah next timeā€¦ i need STICKERS lol

haha sounds good :smiley:

Here is some shots i snapped before my camera went dead. Enjoy