NECC monthly meet - First Sunday of every month

Nissan Ethusiasts Car Club monthly meet.

Location: Limerick’s pub on Macleod trail.- next to Big 4 Dodge.
Time: 7:00pm
Date: Jan 8th, Feb 1st, March 1st first sunday of every month

If you have anymore questions please pm
Z3NK1 (Andrew) or myself (Jack)

Memberships can be obtained at these meets, so if you plan on joining the club, please bring $20 :slight_smile:

anyone else going today?
If I’m back from E-town in time I will make an appearance.

So how’d it go? Any pics?

I wish I could’ve come :frowning:

It was pretty bunk… The one time i come out its cold, rainy and only a few peeps showed up. :finga:

October meet is this coming Sunday, I’ll be at this one for sure :slight_smile:

I hope we can get a short cruise in too, driving season is almost over.

Hope everyone can make it, let’s try to get a better turn out than last time.

On a side note, this sunday is Oct. 2 Not the 1st as originally posted!
I might make this meet, it would be my first as I live 500km’s away. Could I get a little better directions than just “east side mario’s in chinook center” please? I’m not all that familiar with edmonton. I might be headed home on sunday, but if not then I’ll be there!

Thanks for the heads up, mistake has been corrected.

First of all, the meet is taking place in Calgary not Edmonton, so that’s another 2 hours added to your trip lol. Are you familiar with Calgary?

Wha… the Oct. 2nd NECC meet is in Calgary?? :shrug:

No, they are having a seperate meet because they are to good to come to the edmonton meet lol. The Edmonton meet is still taking place at kelseys I think.

No, they are having a seperate meet because they are to good to come to the edmonton meet lol. The Edmonton meet is still taking place at kelseys I think.[/quote]

Yeah we’re having our own Calgary meets, hence why the thread is in the Clagary section :slight_smile:

It’s not that we’re too good to come up to edmonton every month, but It takes a lot of time and gas isn’t exactly cheap at the moment.

WOW! Sorry for all the confusion!
I am afraid I did not notice this was in the calgary area.
Sorry about that!

Sorry i will not be out for this meet :frowning: im going on a cross country flight all day sunday…

Yeah, me too. Sorry. :oops:

You guys should try to make it out this Sunday because snow is coming… !!

I think we should do a quick cruise after the meet.

yes, maybe a nice highway cruise. Inner city cruising sucks.

How’d that lsd work for ya?

We should go for a cruise before the meet! Cruise > meet > dinner! LAST BLAST BOYS!

umm dinner, anyone need a co driver, the mini mini van is only for explorations down 3rd ave

yes, maybe a nice highway cruise. Inner city cruising sucks.

How’d that lsd work for ya?[/quote]

Should be installing it this weekend. Plus I will be replacing the clutch this weekend. Hopefully I can get everything done in time, if not I might not make it out.