NECC April Monthly Meet

The time is here again for us to get the monthly meets up and running. Looking ahead at the weather, it seems it may be against us but we will still try.

Date: Sunday April 1, 2007
Time: 7 pm
Location: Kelseys Oliver Square: 11736 - 104th Ave

Depending on how the weather is, we will either go on a cruise or just enjoy each others company in the Kelsey’s restraunt. If we do go on a cruise, we will be leaving at 7:30pm SHARP and the cruise details will be given out at the meet. Post up here if you can make it.

if im not working i will show up

I will be there i just got my 180 finally.

I’m down.

The weather will decide which car.

yup im there

I shall be there. Either in my Tercel or a 3.5 cylinder KA-T

I will be down… bring some stickers for me.

Bring $20 for membership. If Aaron can make it, you can get stickers.

I’ll be there.

If I’m not working I’ll be there…

I would like to come meet you guys it all depends on work. I would like to bring the G up but if its a last minute thing I might have drive the Titan :sad which would be lame if any cruising takes place.

lol. And well appear out of thin air from a plume of smoke. :lol:

NO WAY…you could cruise with my sweet pathfinder :finga:

If I can figure out what’s wrong with my car I’ll be there.

Il be there, can you bring some stickers for me?
Il bring the $20 for membership.
I will try to get some of my friends S13’s there as well :E

yeah i also need some stickers and i will buy a membership also.

Id be down for buyin a membership aswell on sunday, but sunday is a bad day for me so I couldnt stay for long…

I’ll be there. Can I get my membership card?

cant remeber what Aaron said exactly, but those might not be avaible anymore… if they are can I have my new one?

i’m there

lol i paid my member fees like 6 or more months ago, still no card. w/e