Friday! The freaks come out at night MEET! #2

im out no mister two.


can you fit in my 240?

txt me if you go down bro, I’ll should be down.

count me in

morgan, i think he said were dippin from the mile by 9:30, so im gonna say be there by like 9

Excuse the COMPLETE newbie question, but where exactly do you guys meet? (check my profile if you don’t understand why I don’t know.) There’s a slim chance I might go out for a night cruise and I’d like to stop by if that’s ok.

the GBC will be in full fuckin effizect and i’m knockin out noobs that get outta line. GEAH!

Just an FYI, my dad is a county sheriff and he will be on duty at heinz tonight, they have something going on there tonight as well as tomorrow so there will be cops down there n people all night.

well then, i may only drive thru, or not. No inspection = cautious as fuck

Now i am not saying that they will be there for the cars or anything but they wil lbe there for some party or something going on with the sheriffs. It might be over by the time u guys get there but it starts at like 8 or so and it will Be going on tomorrow as well. Just wanted to give out the info for u guys, i could care less about the other ricers down there but some of you i wouldn’t to see get in trouble.

ah thank you i didnt know you cared so much for me:bigthumb:

I believe the street name is west general robinson. its between Heinz field and PNC park

sorry guys i cannot make it as my wife is pullin work duty tonight and i have the kids again friday nights totally suck for me fuck i wanna come but!!

will be at prp tomorrow possibly meet some of ya out there look out for the rally red evo VIII

if you can i can

im from lower burrell (close enough to tarentum) im heading down. cruising out the parkway

Directions - Click on the Blue place marker, then select to here for directions.

I really want to see that car,
I can only make one pass through at 10pm

im heading up to monroeville mile now for you peeps around the area see you guys down the stadiums should be a interesting night .

Hope you make it to PRP tomorrow…I have not seen all of your mods since last time I ran into you…I am getting out there early…probably as the gates open…

I’ll prob be down