Friday! The freaks come out at night MEET! #2

If theres cops around Ill wave lol. Heading out now.

I made my two passes about 10:15 in the black 1 g dsm, with winter tires, that was all i could do… sigh… looked like it was going to be a good turn out

I was pulling out when I saw the blk/red 2 tone suburban … no missing that

Nice meeting the handful of you that I did. I recognized the cars, not the people.

:rofl: That was me.

I think I scratched your dog. Haha

met like…3 people…saw others that i already knew…really hated the white chevy truck with the hydrolics(the one that ate the ground when the driver tried to be cool) and the camaro i was behind(you already know who you are) was SIIIICCK

I was there

Yeah, very cool night, no rice races, very little 5-0 rollin’. Good stuff.

the biker boys could of chilled out

Yeah, true. But at least they weren’t there when the police rolled thru…then it would have been a harassfest.

def. had a better turn out of nicer cars this time.

thanks for everyone coming out had a good time :bigthumb:

x2 the biker guys were getting on my nerves. but nothing ever goes perfectly to plan.

had a good time tonight. Nice meeting alot of you . Next time we need to do something about those bikers almost hitting people on the street. Spikestrip? lol

lol, spikestrip.

You were there? I didn’t see you.

:rofl: That narrows you down. She was being a bitch last night, not very friendly to most that walked by. Typical woman.

Eh she was nice to me. Haha

yea i seen him

I dident see you (not that i know what u look like anyway)

Who was the guy in the white navigator watching porn?

if you came with cheeks… i left right then and waved at you guys as I was leaving. I was beat… i still am. Still a decient turn out.

had a fun time and i enjoyed the stuntin bikes.

thought going home would suck, but went through oakland and o my god the beotiches were in full effect