From best friend to total crap!

It’s the power of the poose, you know that. Eventually he will realize that poose wants to control his life and make all his decisions. I’ve been there, girls are very manipulative. :tdown:

I hear ya, same thing happened with a buddy of mine.

18 year olds are easier too.

ill be ur friend

You sir are dealing with what us men call “Pussy Whipped” fromt the greek term whipitus PussitisOften experienced during first 6-10 months of relationship, often times ending when male comes to senses and starts missing “boys night out” rare but occasionally the male will make this a life decision often ending in misery, no friends and alcoholism. sad.

Heh, I had a friend pull a 180 in a matter of months, used to be one of my closest friends. I told him to go fuck himself and moved on. Hung out with him again just to give him another chance over a break, still the same fucking arrogant self rightous ass hole. Oh well, not my problem.

:werd: just the way it is