From best friend to total crap!

Just wondering if anyone else out there has experianced a best friend of 7+ years doing a complete 180* and turning to garbage?? Used to have a blast with this individual but for some reason he has changed for the worst… Downward spiral started with him dating this girl 3years ago. Now the kid just doesnt care about anyone but himself. He just sits home with her every nite! He can no longer be trusted or depended on when u need him the most. He will tell you him and his girlfriend are going to come to a concert in rochester with you and then ditch the day of, when you personally have already paid for the expenses. Dont bother calling this individual on his cell because he will not awnser! Could it be some kind of Love spell??? Drugs perhaps??? The crazy thing is that when he does come out with us once in a blue moon, we have a riot!

Oh yes. You get over it.


the best part about this.
you posted it on an internet message board.

Talk to the kid…
if hes turned into a fuckhead hes not your friend anymore

its called pussy, and one day you come home from a night at the bar, the wrinkled old bitch is standing on the front porch with her rolling pin, and you kick yourself cause you lost alot of your best friends to this crazy lady back when her tits were still perky, and you realized that theres a reason some guys decide to date 18 yr olds all their life, lol

:word: its part of life

Word. have seen it happen many times. I have probably done it myself.

I’ve seen it happen many times. it sux, don’t worry, eventually she’s out of the picture and he’ll be back.


im the kind of person that will NOT ditch friends to chill with my gf, unless shes got a damn good reason

the beer pong tourney of 2004 was part of the reason i lost one of my gf’s, lol

“i dont like you hanging around with them”
~well im going anyways

i’ve seen it happen a bunch of times. i always follow the “bro’s before hoez” and “bloods thicker than blonds”. however i’ve always kept more serious gf’s seperate from my circles of friends.
oh and get to know more than one circle of friends. if ones buisy call another.

The better question is WHO DOESN"T KNOW SOMEONE LIKE THIS. My best friend pulled that shit on me and the only time he called me was when he needed me to get his ass out of a fight he started.

yeah, ive had it happen, and ive done it too, i now know hot to and have since changed my ways

OT in OT: whats up brian^^???

Girls do that to some guys. Some girls are just home bodies and they basically guilt trip the guys into vegetating with them. That doesnt really make someone a bad person, just weak. Ditching plans and avoiding shows a lack of courtesy and respect and is a bitch move. For that I would rip him a new asshole.

I have dealt with the same situation in the past. There is no talking to someone that travels that road because while they are in the situation they have no real idea of what they are doing based on the lack of a 3rd party perspective. If you try to bring it up they will probably take offense and say that you dont know what you are talking about. All in all its best to keep quiet and let your friend walk the path alone and hope that it all works out for them. He will see one day the error of his ways and then its probably too late to make amends. Good luck :tup:

it happens to the best of us

been there lived it son. my friend nest friends gf is always there day night and they dont live together so gay.

it may be the pussy… or he just may like being with her better than you at the moment. things might change, they might not. it’s life… it’s good not to dwell. you’ll have a longer lifespan.

I’ve been on both sides of the equation and it’s bad thing to experience, but like everyone else has said, it happens:( About 5 years ago a good friend of mine got a new GF and slowly began the transition of becoming available less. In my world of friends, we pretty much did the same thing all the time, so I can understand when he was not spending everyday with us doing the same thing, but some of the other friends could not. Even though we would just sit around and bullshit, it was a family type of environment. BUT common knowledge is that having a girlfriend will take up a lot more of your time. Maybe because a lot of my friends dont realy have or believe in GF’s they didn’t know this :slight_smile: joking aside, this of course does not mean abandon your friends and is not an excuse for that by any means. However, as time went a long people made comments about him and his girlfriend yada yada yada. It became an unpleasant pattern and he was uncomfortable. It was all done because his friends wanted him to hangout like before, but what they were really doing (they didn’t realize it) was pushing him away because of the way they went about telling him and sadly, thats the only reason it got bad.

Within the past year I went through a similar situation with my friends, but this time i was the 180 guy. In my particular case, I had just got back together with my girlfriend who I didn’t see for 4 months and within the first 2 weeks of us being back together (obviously im not going to be around much) the comments started. It got real nasty, real quick. I couldn’t understand why my friends would be so hurtful and harsh. Even when I mentioned that it was bothering me, comments persisted. Not a way to “win” me over. Gradually, I began to lose interest in the negative comments. IMO, no matter how much you dislike a friends GF, you leave it alone its not your business. You can only hope that it works out for your friend and if you disagree with their choice of girl, you can be comfortable knowing that dont have to date them. You may think you’re doing the right thing by getting in the middle of it, but ultimatly you shouldn’t be involved. Make it your business and watch friends vanish. Thats the real world. If you really have issues with your friend, talk to them about it. Communication is the main part of ANY relationship. BUT If you go about personally bashing them on many levels, including their GF and expect them to say, “oh…gee, i really miss you guys, ok!” thats not gonna happen. I sat down with my other friend when things went bad before. This being the 180 guy mentioned above and we’re still friends today because of it. He lives miles away, but im in constant contact with him. And I’m still friends with most of the same people, with exception to a few, but I have realized that more then likely my girlfriend and them aren’t going to get along. Especially because of what went on. And I realize that as much as i want everyone to get along, it isn’t going to happen by my efforts. I don’t hate anyone from what happend, i’m just kinda done with it. Somehow, I can overlook most of the bad and realize that my friends cared about me, just didn’t know how to handle the situation. Which is what it really boils down to in the end.

of course, these were just my experiences with it, but im sure there are friends out there who just decided out of the blue that realationships that they have, mean nothing because they have a girlfriend…it’s hard to believe, but im sure its true…somewhere. On the whole i’d be willing to place money that they left for a reason, not just because they only wanted to spend time with their gf.

hmmm this sounds like a familar situation i’ve been put in, except my best friend of 9 years, but i wont go into details cuz he’s on the board…o well fuck it, pussy’ll do that to ya…

ehh, i hang out with my girlfriend a lot but i dont ditch out on my friends because of it. Ive done that with an x girflfriend and ive had friends who have done it too. He must really “love” hercoughBULLSHITcough, give up on him, he’ll be back when shes gone and then u can tell him to fuck off. everyone has to learn the hard way