From the TX mile...

Peter Blach: Guys…on the 238 pass, the chute didn’t open, SW went off track at 125+ mph. He is luckily ok but car is pretty torn up.
Ugh, sucks so bad. Thank god he’s OK. TX mile is fucking serious. Probably my favorite car of all time alongside his old white HT.

O my that is a piece of art

OK, stand by for verification. I’m hearing that the car isn’t that bad but need some more solid sources.

I wanna see wrecked pics


Apparently it’s not wrecked I guess. Dunno how the chute doesn’t open at 238mph and you have no issues. Stand by.

Peter Blach: Guys…on the 238 pass, the chute didn’t open, SW went off track at 125+ mph. He is luckily ok but car is pretty torn up.

soo torn up doersnt mean car its self then? probly drivtrain?

just saw it on

call peter blach, you should have his number!

:rofl I am not calling him or Woon. Woon is piloting Chris’s SC currently.

too bad tommy bahn isnt running

im hoping to see big things from the boost logic camp/Stephanes car

is johnny tran running his s two thousand?


mayb Mk4 or boost can call him and find out for me

You guys really care so much about some dude’s car enough to make a thread about it and try to update the info by the minute? :lol

The car is sick, but it’s like you are stalking him or something creepy.

This just in, this just in!!

You know how I KNEW this was a Soup Can thread, before I looked? :lol Bryan

its the Supras hope for Tx mile ownership. previous mile record holder. current 6speed supra record holder for the 1/4 mile. the guy/car is a big deal in the automotive scene. not just the supra community.

peter blach just called me to tell me the bad news but i have good news. pm me brian and i will tell you

Danny Supra just called me and told me that this shit sucks and that his supra is gonna dominate

But we can get three new threads every week from Pete about the new stock blox evo record on runflat tires with peanut m&ms in the back seat.

^ He’s worse, I’ll give you that :lol