Front Clips

Hey guys,

Looking for recomendations on where to get a 92+ 300zx TT front clip

Looking for a low mileage motor. preferably the whole clip no parts taken off

lemme know of places/locations/websites of places that you can recommend

all info appreciated

thanks alot


We have a container coming very soon and can include a clip for you… Let us know…


how much would the clip cost?

Wolf, this is what you do.
Drive down to Miami. Scour the docks until you find a hidden vessel that will float it’s way to Antigua. When you get there claim Canadian Citizenship. That’s as good as gold. Go to the nearest chartered airline and fly to Cuba. When you get to Cuba, pick out the most minty 300ZX front clip you can find for cheap. Load it onto a Submarine and swim it to an island just off the coast of Nova Scotia. Fly it on a 777 jet to China and get Nissan to rebuild it as a 15+ y/o vehicle. Then import it through Vancouver.
After that, you just have to worry about getting it back to Toronto… Which is the hardest part in my opinion.
Have a great trip :R

Oh BTW, the clip will probably cost $15dollars. Getting it to Toronto will probably cost you about $12,964. Your best bet is to get it through JDM Imports… Or Oni JDM as it’s now called where they can get you one at a far more respectable price range.

21 Taber Road, Toronto, Ont. M9W 3A7
Kipling/One Light North of Rexdale

TOKYO AUTOPARTS 416 604 9095

This place has nice engines and front clips very clean and professional.