Just remember that the US has gone through a lot worse times than this. The best thing about our system both politically and socially is that we evolve and adapt to meet those needs while still being able to hold onto our past.
Think of some of the hard times the US has gone through that far outweighs our current situation: Civil War, Great Depression, and the 1960’s.
We will get through this, we just have to change the things that put us here in the first place like: setting up a Wall St. that won’t crash the whole country, setting up a healthcare system that won’t bankrupt ALL of us, set up a system of trade where we are not continuously getting screwed. Stop allowing political BS from getting things done (see new Peace Bridge).
Stuff like that and none of that is impossible to fix.
The white collar crime is so out of control though. We used to be able to count on these people to straighten things out, now it is just “How can I fill my pockets”.
And these are still the people in control, from banks to corps to govt.
well meaning post but some of it appears to be invalid. Freedom should never ever need to be sacraficed for prsoperity. The two have almost always been synonomous (sp?) A free man certainly has the ability to be more economically prosperous than the man who is chained down by government regulation and interference.
Also about the washington “phallic” symbol, you should read the book “secret architecture of our nations capital” its really good, and extremely confusing.
Not necessarily, there are plenty of government regulations designed to protect the common man/consumer from practices of “prosperous” people. Look at the turn of the 20th century. Monopolies destroyed competition, hurting capitalism. People were forced to work in unsafe environments with very little wage and no chance of prosperity, children worked, there were no pensions, no sick time or disability. Food and drugs were poisonous much of the time.
All of these things were made better by government regulation, it can not be ignored.
although some things do help for example, regulating interstate commerce by catching people creating “clone” companies in the early 20’s. The department of agriculture to help cut down on dangerous or posinous food. But taxing and and creating fees and requiring pointless licenses and creating bureaucratic redtape is not productive and it hinders economic progress and growth.