FS: 1000.00 best buy gift card

Im going to get about a grand for my laptop in the form of a best buy gift card.

I want to buy a dell 700m laptop.

if you are plannin on buying somethign big from best buy soon let me know…

do you have to spend it on another laptop or can it be anything?

it can be anything

bump bump bumpoooo

final offer, take it or leave it

how much you want for it

im curious, how much you want for it? ^^

ill give you 800

i dont know… im not sure exactly what i want to get with it… i will most likey buy a cheep tower so i can play WOW with the japanese hawaiian… I might just buy a new laptop but i dont really need one anymore…

willing to take trades/cash. holla!

Why not just buy a tower from Best Buy and then use whatever is left over for something else?

orrr buy a new tower and sell the difference, you might do better that way!

buy a case, then buy my barebone setup.

I give you a stale cookie and old milk

eBay it, people will buy it for $999 just to save a doller, thats what i do with giftcards i dont want from chritmas and my b-day

o/t: good choice. :wink:

that’s a hell of a big gift card, you may want to ebay it… peoples heeeere is brokEEEE.

what do you got yo?

lets hear the story behind the gift card…

my laptop will go back today for the 4th time = i get a full refund…

I think the story was told in the nerdy section

You could try this:
