fs: 14' trampoline - used only 1 summer - 100$ - new price


ive got a pretty much new condition trampoline for sale. I bought it 2 summers ago, and i used it only the one summer. I didnt install in this summer, so last summer was the only time it was used…barely even used for that matter! i already had one when i bought this one but i wanted this one for the pool side, but it takes too much room up, so i want to sell it now. I left the frame out last winter, but the actual mesh part and springs have been stored away from the winter.

everything is packed and ready for pick up - it will fit in you 240 (seats down!) everything is clean so it wont stain anything,

175$ OBO. Just make an offer, i need it gone, need to clear up room. I paid almost 400$ after tax…this is a decent deal for a new trampoline!

Ill trade for ka-t parts too +/- money , depends on what it is …

i dont have pics cause its apart , but i can take one of my old trampoline that still standing…looks the same cept the one for sale has sqaure tubing vs. the round heavy tubing they used to use…

Is this the big trampoline that they sell at Wal-Mart?

its a big one but not from wal mart. but pretty much almost the same…they are all the same at this price range and for this type of backyard trampoline, they are all 14" and built the same.

New price: first person to give me 150$ gets it!



New price, 125$, actually, hell the first person with 100$, gets it, i really need to clear up some room!