
I have a trampoline that i want to get rid of.The thing is super freaking bouncy.Not sure if its a 14 or 15ft but i have plenty of room to due flips.Its in the attic right now.

Id put it together for someone if they were interested in buying it.There isint a pad for the outside.

I also have a 16ft trampoline.Its a little less bouncy but has a pad for the outside and possibly a ladder.Id have to look.SOLD

I know for the smaller one you can fit it in a car.I fit it in my saturn coupe
$100 bucks for each

hmm this is very tempting…

<3 my trampoline… it doubles as a hammock. :lol:

roof -> trampoline -> pool… hmmm, its probably a terrible idea for me to pick this up, but glws!


its a normal looking trampoline.there both in my attic. only bringing down if seriously interested.

omg i want this sooo bad. whats your number

pm sent

best offer? :slight_smile: im interested.

I might take a little less if you help me get it down from the garage attic.

I have a 12 ft trampoline… this makes me want to upgrade so badly. :lol:

yo im really intiresdted in this

Did you really have to have your shirt off?


yo im really intiresdted in this

trampoline’s what? what are they selling

Bigger one with the pad is SOLD

I still have the super bouncy one that dosent have a pad for sale. $90

Oh man. I totally want. I’ll get back to you on Friday.

The best is, that you made a video for it lol glws…

80 bucks.