FS: - 1991 Honda Civic - $1050 CASH, final price drop.

haha. whats your offer, lowballer ?

ill give u $950

$1049, whada ya think?

haha. crap i never got notification, or saw these posts.

its on ebay. $900 reserve. so if you want it, bid… i want it to sell, because i dont want to pay ebay fees for nothing. its sucks taking such a loss, i bought the car for 1050, put a windsheild and battery, and rims, and i cant even get the original amount for it. i was willing to overpay for it cause i was going to drive it, until i found a better car. now im willing to take the loss.


didnt sell…$900 takes it. i need to pay ebay fees and get this out of the drive way. i have to park on the street until its gone.


it sold finally! we can close this thread now.