FS: 1992 3000GT VR4 Twin Turbo - **PICS**

i dont know what the deal is…my car has an engine in it, and a working one at that, and that engine has two turbo’s on it…hence it is now a twin turbo car…

now does it run right? can i take it out at all? that’s totally different :lol: …

good luck with the sale jack.

hold on…

this thing isn’t sold yet?

sorry to hear your selling jack but good luck. i guess i might as well sell mine too just because

u pussy, u givin up too? u wanna buy the ferrari?



BTW - the engine shot is old. there is new :snky: under there now.

yeah, he “claims” its twin turbo…but i dont see any under the hood in that pic…having a few spent turbos in the trunk doesnt count rofl…j/k :tup: to a sweet car, gl with sale, :tdown: to selling the beast after downing that much $ into it.

you gotta learn when to stop throwing money at it…
time to throw it somewhere else now.



Ohhh Noooez fellaz, we have lost him :frowning:

This car is weird… when I sit in it all my change falls out of my pocket… but when I get out and try to pick it up… there is nothing.

its all in the leather seats…check on the sides of the seat where your butt goes :lol: it should be there, it never hits the floor!

I was actually being sarcastic… everytime I’m near it my wallet goes broke.

yeah i kinda figured :lol: I was playing along

jon you saved me 1.35…

I looked inbetween the bolster and the bottom pad in the bottom of the seat on the passenger side and found a shit load of money.

that and when SilverGTP borrowed my car he forgot I didn’t have EZPAss… and threw my change cup all over the car so he could go through the toll… then he didn’t clean it up even though I was doing him a favor


oops! I forgot it clean it up

thats ok… i forgot to clean something up in your car too…

Had to take advantage of the full size back seat :tspry:

let me know when you find it

Still taking offers.