FS: 1992 Ford Mustang GT

I have been getting teased for 7 years now for my 69 Camaro not being done and out and pushing it to places. It doesn’t bother me. It’ll be out this spring and the teasing didn’t bother me. If it did, I would have sold it 50 times over…

Why are you letting other people influence your ownership of the car? If they don’t like it, who gives a shit. Not like they are driving it or paying for it. Owning a car isn’t a popularity contest.

Apparently it is.

You have said that you like this car more than any other one you have owned. If thats the case then why are you getting rid of it??? Are you going to jump off a cliff because its what everyone else is doing? You have left us wondering if you are the dumbest person in the world or the most highly suggestible. If everyone here relied entirely on the input of those around them we would all be much worse off. How bout you take a step back and reevaluate what you are doing. You have done the same thing with at least 2 of your cars (Dakota, GTO). You made an impulse buy and then wished you hadn’t. I dont care what you do but dont bitch when you look back at what you’ve done.

EDIT: You’re a Drama Queen

Sent you a pm

WOW… dont be a pussy… you got the car you wanted. you finally started having a plan. and finally made a worthwhile post… fuck those who are making you change your mind. Do whats right for you… /thread

man up dude. your being a pussy



my friends have evos, and new glis and give me shit about my pos project e30 all the time, but i dont care. stop being a bitch. if you want to sell it, sell it. dont let other people make up your mind for you.

but then again, judging my the amount of polls youve made in the past, you always do what other people tell you.

Also the reason that he used to call us “friends” is because he changed his phone number twice so no one would have it. So what did you expect??? If no one can get a hold of you then how many friends do you expect to have??? No one is buying your “woe is me” bs.

Dude leave him alone with it. If he wants to sell it, he’s selling it. GLWS man, and bump for a good car and a good dude.

if people started prank calling you 6 times a day and calling u at 3 in the morning would you change your phone number? and when i did change it, i actually trusted you to have it and not tell anyone, and i made that clear, and funny how 4 hours later everyone had it again.
Theres plenty of people that have it now, and the people that I don’t want to talk to don’t have it. I dont see the problem there :gotme:

i really dont know what the fuck your problem is. i havent talked to you in 2 months for a reason: that reason being you’re immature. Maybe after a while you’d realize that I don’t want to have anything to do with you or anyone else and maybe if you would stop acting like you’re 12 years old, you would realize that and stop making facebook groups to make fun of me and hate on me, and stop ripping on me on here. If chose to take the time, I would go through every single one of your posts on here and 90% of them are off-topic to the thread and making fun of me. I’m sorry i can actually act my age and don’t have to resort to doing childish things to get off.

back on topic, after some people talked to me, I’ve keep the Mustang for the time being, but if things keep going the way they are with work, and it gets to be May/June and I still haven’t touched it, then I will consider selling it again because there’s no use in having it if i dont have time for it. I can always find another someday.

Wrong. Keep it. You will spend more to replace it. It ALWAYS ends up costing more to replace a car down the road, EVERYTIME!

:tup: to being more mature… :tdown: to making a thread that was unnecessary since you knew you were going to keep it…

quit crying wolf… pick something you like and stick with it for more than a couple months… Jeeeeeeeesus

Listen you have the advantage here because no one knows what really happened. You can say whatever you want and its just you word against mine. That being said I blocked you and didnt want to talk to you anymore. You told all of us that you didnt even have a phone. Its funny how you forgot to mention that NO ONE has even attempted to contact you. Why is that??? No one talks to you anymore because you’re a compulsive liar. How bout you act mature and tell the truth every now and again? I knew from the second this thread started that you weren’t going to sell the car. All you’re doing is looking for attention. You make it sound like you have had a choice when it came to talking to me. I blocked you on everything. So go ahead and keep lying to everyone here and on emtlife.com. I feel sorry that they dont know how full of shit you really are.

In the end though I suppose you win. Ignorance is bliss and you no longer have to worry about anyone bothering you. I’m done dealing with you.

Finally… this thread is starting to pay off…

so that constitutes a reasons to make hate groups online against me and rip me a new asshole every time i open my mouth on the internet?? If not one wanted to talk to me anymore then why would people still try calling me when I changed my phone number? And why is it exactly that you went on forums that you have no business being on just to read what I posted and then call me out on another forum?? are you like stalking me or something? have to be there every time i open my mouth so that you can make sure what I say is correct? what the fuck kind of horse shit is that??? do you REALLY have nothing better to do with your life than that?? oh wait, I forgot, people that are 13 years old have nothing better to do than stuff like that, and thats pretty much the level of maturity you have so I guess that makes sense. Stop stalking me online and mind you’re own fucking business.

nice soap opera girlies :wink:

god this thread fucking blows

wrd. what fggts.

someone lock this already

no, you’re not. you’ll just keep on at it because theres something inside you that feel the need to make fun of someone and as usual, I’m the target for everyone else’s fun. You’re not done, I’d be willing to put money on that. I’m sure before the end of the day, you will know every post on every forum on the internet I made, and post it up on you’re little facebook group, you’ll analyze every word I said, then somehow figure out if that really did happen or not, and then you’ll make sure to call all of your friends and say “hey guess what Mike said on NYSpeed today?” and “hey i stalked Mike out on the one EMS forum just because he’s on it and I have no business being on a forum like that anyway, but he’s on it and i bet I can dig up some shit about him on there so I joined it!” you’re not done…maybe you shouldn’t lie and say that.

wow. guys, dont air your shit out here ina FS thread.

Mike, I mglad your keeping the car. Just cause you dont have much time to work on it doesnt mean you should dump it though. Its a nice clean car to have fun driving for now. If you find more time in then future to work on it, then do it then. Why do you HAVE to get all the work done on it now? It looks like a nice car, so keep it and enjoy it. When you find the time to work on it, then you do the work then. I’m not a domestic guy at all, let alone a mustang guy, but thats a nice car. Do yourself a favor and keep it and enjoy it :tup:

Every time you open your mouth you lie. End of story. I think its hilarious that you expect the people on here to believe half of what you say. Its entertaining and I enjoy shutting you down. If you can make outlandish untrue statements to all these people then why shouldn’t I be allowed to show them you’re full of shit?? You’re right I have nothing better to do. You’re right I’m acting like I’m 12. You’re the one lying and you are the one who has chased away all his friends with this constant lying. And for the record I still hang out with the people that harassed you and they have not tried to contact you to do anything other than harass you further.

Hes keeping the car, I think its time for a lock.

Its a good decision in the end Mike.