FS: 1992 Nissan 240sx LE Black Hatch.

With SON love of course.

Thats stupid,
No matter how much you hate a car. You could sell it and have more money. $1500 over the $500 you’ll probably get offerd for your car.


To each his own, to each his own. Lets not bother with the things that are irrelevant.

It sold more for what you selling your 240sx for… so who has the junk now!!! IN YOUR FACE!!.. and my civic wasnt junk nor had any rust!!

Dude I just agreed with what you said, and you quoted me and didn’t make sence. I don’t have a 240sx

Ya Nitescream…take it ez there. the civic was multicoloured and looked like ass, but nah man, congrats of your $1500!!! im super happy for you man!!! seriously!!! Man…you really showed me…shit…wow…in MY face eh BUDDY!!! WOW!!! i missed out HUGE!!! I really regret it! WOW!

dude. What he’s sayin makes sense…well the delivery was kind of crass. You turned down his offer of a solid car that sold for about $1000 more than what you’re gonna get for this car.

Does every jack ass that comes by feel the need to really comment on this one small stupid aspect of it? LETS MOVE ON KIDS! DROP IT!

Just sayin…attitude is everything in this world. You sound 12. Ok, anyways, sorry and good luck with your sale. If you wanna maje a little more, I’m willing to buy your side skirts from you. My deal went south so I’m looking for another set.


where u located, text me i can come check it out sunday. got cash, but i have to see it first. god i hope ur not in the east end. So many damn 240sx’s there and im in sauga…

Hahaha, no, im actually in the west end…so a good thing? What’s your number? PM me!!!

my bad i didnt mean to quote you!!! forgive me!!.. and T.DOT my car was blue with a Flat black front end… it real life it looked really good… pics didnt do it justice… thats how i bought it, didnt bother me so i didnt paint it… anyways im done messing with you, your too emotional!


Im sorry to seem emotional, it’s just why embarrass someone or publically humiliate someone just for the hell of it, especially when you know you win? PM me if you wana be that hardcore. It just makes both of us look bad, you, tackey for saying such things in the first place, and me for reacting to thoes things.

I have someone comming to see the car tomorow around 8, i’m free all day, so if anyone is slightly interested and would like to skip the question period on the internet and just come see it, PM ME!!!

Car is sold, mods please close!!!