FS: 1993 240sx coupe

ok pics are up…sorry for the car being dirty all my days off its been raining so yea…

the undercarriage pics show the “rustiest” spots on the car, again, nothing major at all surface rust at the most.

i also forgot to mention the car used to have a spoiler on it years ago, so theres 4 holes in the trunk, they are filled in tho and water doesn’t get into the trunk

edit cd player does NOT come with the car, even tho its in the pics

how many cars do you have?

well, 4 in the driveway, but the probe is still here the kid JUST set up shipping. so techincally 3. lol

rx7, civic, and this 240

just need an ae86 and youll have all the cars in your sig.

Bump for a good guy/nice car, it ran well at Batavia this summer.

bump for a nice 240

that door dent aint shit either …

haha i know its not that bad, i just wanted to make sure i cover everything :slight_smile:

man if that had the “fastback” hatchback rear lights or whatever i would be ALL over that bitch…good seller-cool car-g/l and bizzump

wouldnt be that hard to do a few mods and slap the fastback taillights in :gotme:


y would u have to? trust me, i used to hate coupes, but its totally grown on me

funny how i always hear people say they want a 240 to mess around with, here it is guys!

i like this car better then hatchbacks, got too many cars to “mess with” now, BUMP

damnit i so wana buy this, to bad im a broke ass mucther fcker

I could buy it but I wont, because you toy with the CP’s :stuck_out_tongue:

originalsin shuld pic this up



jay i have some1 interested when are u available for him to come check it out

crap i never even seen this reply andy, is he still interested?
