FS: 1994 Light Blue Accord LX 2-door


… :lol


This thing did not sell ernald

At first I was like.


But then I was like…

No it didn’t.

How much did it roll for?

ten dolla

LMFAO Ive allways used the moto theres a ass for every seat But Jeez this must of Been a Big OL Ass LOL… Glad shes gone so u dont gotta get ur nuts busted no more…

i hate to say this but he’s telling the truth. i saw it yesterday in gloversville.

Boogie, I sold it to a kid on Eagle street, right around the corner from Jesse. I got what I was asking for it, lets put it that way.

how much did you get ernald

yeah i know you did, i saw it yesterday… cant wait for them to rev on everyone in the world


How about you lock this instead since the product being sold is sold and as an administrator you’re supposed to end sold threads?


Because at shift… No thread is over. Or in the words of Vlad “In mother Russia, thread ends you”

Only at the admin/mod discretion, sorry sir.

I may just move it to epic if you ask nicely.

DAMMIT I finally scraped together the last bit of coin to scoop up this car just in time for the nice weather. FUCK. What am I gonna get now to scoop up all the fly bitches? My game is ruined without this pussy magnet. FUCK!