FS: 1995 240sx s14.5 / sr20det etc

i got the one from my 14, its mint, i dont even have the center console in my car. she’s a stripper, pm me n let me kno what up

Btw, if anyone wants say…the chassis minus the drivetrain, i’d look into parting that out if someone was serious enough

how much for the shell??? minus alllll your shit, i mean all of it, i need a 95 bad as hell so i can get inspections the right way lol

You, are a fucking idiot.

I need to buy that thing

:rofl: i dunno why but that just really made me laugh

buy it :slight_smile:

PM me exactly what you do want and an offer and i’ll think it over

Cmon someone needs to step up an buy this! Bump for a dude who does shit right and doesnt cheap out!

if you buy jays shell lmk bout your shell…

dont even think about parting this…sell it whole or keep it…its payed for

Here Jay thought this might help ya…

wow hahahaha

on a side note, looks like i have a deposit coming on the car, going back to the previous owner :tup:



lol… nice:roflpicard:

sad :frowning:

well looks like he flaked… car is still for sale if anyone is interested, currently in storage until spring but i could get it out in the event someone was actually buying it

glws, and free bump from fellow 240 owner

The car is nice, its definitly worth investing the money into, Jay is a real reasonable guy and he doesn’t rip anyone off… Great Deal!!!


lol jk

Jay is a good dude…doesnt cut corners when putting a car together and this one is a real solid ride.

hey in my defense i never personally used that trans, how did i know! not to mention that was like 8 yrs ago :stuck_out_tongue:

thanks guys, the car is solid like you said just needs a good home