pics comming soon, and the status of the timing belt is “unkown” I bought the car with 70k on it and no records for the history came with it, there is a window on the timing cover that you can use to view the belt and it looks fine but I would reccomend replacing it either way…
I hit a dear with the car 2 winters ago (no structural, just a new hood and window), it was all fixed, then this past winter i slid on a patch of ice and bumped a ford focus from behind, it was on a hill and my front end dipped under the focus rear end, it screwed up the bumper cover and dented the hood again… there was no damage to the focus so we both went on our way and I never bothered to fix it, if no one buys the car I’ll just trade it in, but its a great DD just isn’t pretty right now, really all it needs to be pretty is a new hood, bumper cover, and corner lights…