FS: 2-way lcd alarm/starter/turbo timer + more

Units never been installed
I payed just less than 400 after tax with employee discount a little more than a year ago.
Tells you interior temperature, has a driver page sensor so friends can contact you from the car loots of features


i dont mean to low ball LMAO but if u really need money i can give u a bill for it lol

Devin, get used to it. That’s all I’m going to say.

I had no responce to that offer. Spend 250+220 for an install and you have a slightly better alarm for 30 bucks cheaper than the viper alarm future shop offers installed. This investment will save your belongings inside it one day and some insurance companys lower your monthly rates. The range on this alarm is amazing i have the exact same one on my car i could show you everything the alarms capable of.

srry i dont mean to low ball but i only got 100 dollars cash, i’m a student so i dont kno some ppl are in financial trbl and really need the money so i was just throwing it out hteir

So you insult people who are strapped for cash by offering them less than half of what they’re asking? If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it. Don’t make stupid offers.

pm’d you regarding alarm

you cant tell me what, or what not to offer if u dont like it ignore it

no, we can. your offer of $100 was retarted and an insult to the seller, and makes you look completly inconsiderate. and we wont need to ignore your lowballs when you get banned for it. k, bye.

also bump for an awsome price on a good alarm system, good luck with the sale devin.

stupid kids…

I vote for a Ban lol.

Also PM’d re: alarm + shipping.

Sold to Matt and his sweet CA.

I love SON’s drama, hahaha the lowballers.

Chyea^^^^^^^^…and i got the $250 for the alarm. fkn lowballers…

Oh well that’s your lost. I was going to offer you $20 cash. Brand new twenty dollar note with the stripe on the side, mint condition. Never used.