FS: 2000 Audi TT

2000 Audi TT Quattro silver
Just turned 100k on dial (mostly highway)
Heated black leather seats, 5 speed, cd player w/ ipod hookup, ALL maintenance complete with Jason at BLACK FOREST. Car rides better than it ever has after getting it back from Jason- he knows his stuff! New 2009 inspection just done a few days ago with brand new tires. Pics will be posted soon but until then it’s at work with me if you want to stop by and check it out. I’m in the Williamsville Place Plaza mon-thurs 9-7.
$12,000 obo

Is that the current market value for a 100k miles TT right now?
Didnt know it was that price but

Since it is a 2000 it is a coupe correct?
I don’t think the verts were available until 2001.

And for the worthless noobie hate, cars are worth whatever someone buys it for.
Saying I didn’t think it was worth that much and then add glws?
Don’t post unless you have something worth while to add in a FS thread, read the rules.

Since when did i say it was not worth that much?
i just said i didn’t know the price ffs.
it was a question not a hate statement.

Since you said I don’t have anything worth to post for.
I took the time and look it up and here you go.
JUST AN INFO to buyer this is the book value.




Again IT IS just an information not MY OPINION. :eek:

FYI, this newb has been around forever, and is a friend of mine… the car is clean

what kind of maintinence did you have done to the car?

And mine. The car is in damn good shape. I’m happy to field any questions at all about this particular car. I’ve done a fair bit of work to it in the past month.

FWIW…the most recent dealer auction sale of an '00 TT Quattro was for $9400 with similar miles. Add 1200-1500 for auction fees, transportation and reconditioning, you’ve got a car that cost a dealership between $10,600 and $10,900. They’ll sell it all day long for 12+.

KBB is always accurate . . .

Here is a list of actual 2000 audi TT with over 100k on the clock


incase the link doesn’t work

Mileage: 120,000

Mileage: 125,000

Mileage: 115,623

Mileage: 108,492

Mileage: 116,835

So I would say it’s a fair starting price, I still miss my 4 rings especially in the winter

Edit: Also, vinnnnn if this is your way of haggling the price, I understand trying to get a good deal, just take to the pm

well. i just check autotrader and i found a couple with 100k for 9k+ at dealer. (Expand ur search)
i never said at first that it wasnt a fair price. i just stated that i didnt know how much these goes for nowadays. you’re the one getting into the defensive mode.

link too :


Also : lol at ur assumptions about me :wink: but whatever I’m not gonna argue with you since you don’t even know me personally nor do you know what car i can/can’t afford nor you know what brand of socks i wear! so thanks for ur opinion about me!

PS: I never did said his price was too steep directly or indirectly, check out the tons of thread in here. you’ll find people saying “your price is too steep” why dont u go tell them the forum rules too?

if your spending so much time debating what the car is worth, just make him an offer. Unless your broke and just wasting time…

^i guess you still havent gotten the point he was trying to make. he was just curious about the CMV.

i’m done with this bs. you guys are just a bunch of retards who think everyone on nyspeed is poorballs that need to use lowly method to get things cheaper.
whatever. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, this is a coupe -you are right that the verts wern’t availble intil '01.
Jason has this car running awsome. He replaced a couple O2 sensors, new tires, timming belt was done last year(not by BF) If you have any technical questions he’d be the one to ask, but i do have reciepts and records of all work done.

NEW PRICE $10k would like it gone before EOM. will get pics up hopefully this weekend
but am local to williamsville if anyone wants to come check her out.

(Maybe that’s alll that was available in 2000, not sure)
The 210 was fun.:slight_smile:
Nice cars.

yes its the 1.8t 180hp quattro. Def a fun ride!
