Looking to get rid of my work/plow truck. The truck has 140,359 miles on it and runs strong. The bad the truck needs two front tires and brakes and the body isnt in best shape it has marks/dents from loading the bed ect. also the pass window doesnt go down and the interior is missing lil misc parts that i could fine. The truck will include a fisher plow that is in working condition that i plowed with last year.Here are some pics from my i phone PRICE 2200 FIRM !!!

Just told my buddy about this thing, Il see what he says.
I’d buy it if it wasn’t the “classic” version. Fuck.
Deff not a show truck this is a straight up work or plow truck. If someone needs a nice truck to tow move or plow this is perfect
Yea no doubt it’s a great deal. I’ll ask my pops if he needs another truck to smash into shit with.
Trade you my jetta and 500 cash.
No thanks I have my eye on a 1 ton dump
dammit wish i had seen this a hour ago before i bought my winter truck…hell were you located i may still want it…
5 min from colonie center
Nice cheap truck to plow with and make money with
Ready to sell plow is in the bed!
fuck i wish i had the money for this . dom any handies for a tradeoff ?