Ive had this bike for a couple years and I barely ride. It’s runs perfect, only has about 12k on it. It has renthal streetfighter bars, ASV levers, frame sliders, fender eliminator and I shaved the handle off the rear seat. It’s a great bike and its in good shape. I’m looking to get 2800. Pretty firm [ATTACH]24146[/ATTACH][ATTACH]24147[/ATTACH][ATTACH]24148[/ATTACH][ATTACH]24149[/ATTACH][ATTACH]24150[/ATTACH]
Bad ass bike! GLWS
Love it. GLWS
Thanks guys. Also forgot has adjustable f4i forks. Rebuilt when installed.
Looks great, good price
I had the same bike, they are fun.
this is such a good price, it makes me want to buy it back from you! glws buddy
Rode this today. It’s a blast, pretty clean and a good price. Can’t bring myself to commit at the moment, someone should scoop this up before John decides not to sell it.