The bike has around 7,500 miles on it and is in VERY good condition. The only problem is cosmetic, on the right side is a few scratches on the ferring and a scuffed plate because I got clipped once going about 8 mph. No damage was done, just the cosmetic blemishes (the frame slider took the blow). The rear tire is very new as well. It’s a Dunlop Qualifier with less than 700 miles on it. I have all the paper work from all the maintenance performed since I got it. I really hate to part with her but I have a kid on the way and I need to settle my debts as soon as possible. I am pretty firm on the price for this reason. Asking $6,400.
If you’d like to take it for a test ride, give me a call and let me know. As long as you have cash in hand you can ride it (you drop it, you buy it).
Also, the flush-mount lights pictured are not currently installed but I will include a brand new pair of them with the bike. Currently the stock ones are installed.
Call Pete at 858-382-3719 (cell phone) I am located in Clifton Park (about 15 min north of Albany).
Thanks Corey. Okay, I can go down to $6,400. I’d like to think that people appreciate a completely stock bike more than one that has been tinkered with and modded out. I mean, you have no idea what the quality is of the work done. With an all stock vehicle you know exactly what you are getting.
The only thing that makes the bike not mint is the scraped ferring. I figure, it’s about $600 to replace those parts so $6,400 is fair ya?
lol, not what I implied. But seriously if anyone is interested you can call me anytime. I stay up really late, usually around 2 am and I wake up at like 6:30 am for school so chances are if you call, I will answer.