FS: 2007 Cobalt SS Supercharged

god that was funny

I sense sarcasm

Yeah… and I got a blip on the Gaydar screen.

Hahahha good comeback

Honestly if anyone wants this car, you can have it for ~ whatever the dealer will give me in trade-in value.


For the drivetrain maybe.


+1 my homometer is going nuts

wernt you that homo wearing clown hair at nicks? enough said.

  • 8%

they will give probably about 9000…just so all potential buyers know :tongue

id go out and try to get a loan if it wasnt red…lol

I vote you trade in for Turbo Balt and let Synapse work its magic!

uh :Idiots

leo you should sell some of your shit if your parting it out to brandon levine and mccalister all those little girls who drive those automatic cobalts around and buy ebay tailights and think there race cars dude theyll prolly have a field day on your parts:rofl


chris dont u have the silver cobalt? why dont u just daily that or u selling it ?

i think thats his brothers

i lol’d

I hate the GTO in your sig. That rendering is terrible!

Word. I just put it there to annoy the LSx nay-sayers :wink:

Want to make me a new one? haha