FS!!!!!!!21 and older please. NOW WITH PICS


Ill take one lowballers welcome? Lol. I owe one of my friends a bottle of whiskey. $10.


you are a piece of shit. these are around $60-$70 at any liquor store and youre going to lowball him for liquor you owe your friends?!?!?!?
wow man, just wow.

anywho we pwned this bottle and a handle of skyy vodka… beast got mollested, fell into the darkness, we burned the shit out of each other with cigarettes, threw each other in the pool, broke a lot of glasses, many headbutts, bites, slaps in the face, ect… ect…

here is a pic when were were a little less than halfway through the bottle… eating dinner. you can see by the look on my face i had a bunch of it already…

ANYWAY buy this booze, its cheap, its delish and 4x4 jimmy is a solid dude. him and dirtye30 even delivered it to my appt!!!