Whiskey & Bourbon thread

I’ve been getting more and more into whiskey & bourbon lately, and thought “We need a whiskey & bourbon thread”.

I’ll kick it off.

I joined a “whiskey club” at a local liquor store recently. Fairly decent buy in considering, but it boils down to committing to buy $100 worth of “high end” bourbon every quarter. The bennies? Access to rare and allocated bottles not sold publicly and 10% off all whiskey/bourbon. A lot of the small batch stuff never makes it to the shelf, so this is one of the few ways to get your hands on it.

Latest pickup:


Pretty rare, distributed via allocation, and that appears to be 1 bottle /quarter or so. Great taste neat, I preferred it with a couple ice cubes after they melted a bit.

Buy in bottle:


Initial thoughts neat was “I cant taste a difference between this and $40 bottle” a couple ice cubs and a few minutes later changed that to “ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats why this is so expensive”. Amazing taste, the little bit of water really opened it up, hints of sweetness. Don’t think its as rare as the rock hill, but its a limited release.

Got this one for a friend that asked that I keep an eye out for him.


This stuff is hard to find, and when you can find it, it can sell for $300+. I havent tried this yet, but I hear the price is mainly due to hype. This isnt a small batch, they just seem to hold inventory to drive up demand and hype it up. The Rip Van Winkle stuff can go for over $1k… I’ll make sure to post when I get a taste.

On the “cheaper” side:

My “go to” right now for sipping. I prefer it with a couple ice cubes, but its great neat as well. Hints of sweetness.

Another “go to”:

No explanation needed. great for sipping.

The “had to try it”

had to try it because I love their beer. It was good, but im not rushing back for it. I think its overpriced slightly for what it is.

Forty Creek


This is made right over the border in Grimsby, Ontario. It’s $20 at duty free (a couple bucks more in stores here) and its worth way more than that. I highly recommend it.

Blantons single barrel

Had this at new years at a friends place, and wow this stuff is delicious. Havent seen it locally yet (havent really looked for it that hard) but when I do, it will be a good day for sure. Highly recommended.

And just because you always need something for mixing (and really, after a few glasses of the good stuff sometimes you’re just wasting it if you drink it all night long…)

Good for mixing. I dont think i’ve ever drank it straight. Sometimes you just want a bourbon & ginger.

I’ll update as I go, I know I have a few more bottles at home as well.

(Is it whiskey or whisky? IDK, I’m not a doctor… LINK )

Anyone else?

I am pretty heavy into the entire Crown Royal line up. Keep the standard around for mixers/guests but in my private time, I have the Cask 16, Special Reserve, XR Waterloo, XR Lasalle and am waiting to get my hands on a new XO to try out.

Basic CR with Gingerale is probably the best thing going.

404 Jameson not found. That Dead Guy Whisky is great, real smooth.

Good 'ole JD is my drink of choice. Makers is always good, but that’s a sipper.

Eh, jameson is something you do shots of and thats pretty much it. I wouldnt ever sip it, and I’d rather mix with something else. I have a bottle on my bar, but it was a gift.

JD is another great mixer, and its been awhile since ive had the single barrel but I remember that as being pretty damn good.

@Geoff Get in here.

I need to experience more whiskeys and bourbons. I’ve always been a fan but tend to only drink the better stuff while on business travel. Right now I only have a bottle of Evan Williams (hey it’s cheap and tasty) and a bottle of Maker’s Mark.

I think Jim Beam mixes really well. My 99 year old great grandmother, who’s from Ireland will only drink Irish Coffee with Jameson. Definitely not a sipper though.

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Had some Evan Williams for the first time maybe a month or so ago. Not bad, not great…It’s decent for the price.

Crown and Jameson are both my favorites. Not too big on other Whiskey though but that is just based upon what A.Burgasser had me try one night that was out of the ordinary to me, oof. I wouldn’t mind trying new stuff though!

jim beam red stag (black cherry not the others like cider and what not) on ice is smooth and tasty,my drink of choice

I might like Jim beam.
@Haenszel might like it too.


Would this bourbon club be at the liquor store next to We Never Close?

If so, my landlord shared Old Pogue Bourbon last weekend.


I guess this is hard to get, but was very rich.

its not. I’m on the fence about sharing, as I dont want to shoot myself in the foot with the easy access to hard to find stuff. If anyone is curious what store it’s at, PM me and I’ll fill you in.

That old pogue looks right up my alley, I’ll have to try and find some. Thanks for the share :tup:

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I meant to mention, my favorite choice for manhattans is Makers.

Right now I am half way through a bottle of buffalo trace, thought I would give it a try. Its pretty average in my opinion. I think the best I have had lately was Jeffersons reserve, my wife picked it up on a recommendation from the liquor store clerk. If your looking for a good bag for your buck I would recommend old weller antique 107, I went on a recommendation I found online and definitely enjoyed a few bottles.

This. Not to mention that regular Jameson is different from bottle to bottle. I even get a “bad” one every so many months.
Even the Jameson 12 year isn’t super high end. The 18 year is so good once it touches your lips!

Let me know at Terrie’s, although I doubt I’d be in the market for whiskey.

So on the topic of buffalo trace, I’ve had it before and was not a fan, however they are one of the larger distillers out there. For instance, the first one I posted about, Rock Hill, is distilled by Buffalo Trace… weird.

I’ve heard good things about old weller, havent picked one up yet.

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this is so true. got my brother a bottle of it a few years back and it was delicious.

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Heres one I got from a vendor who lives in Austin. If any of our TX members want a great whiskey, definitely check it out. You cant buy it out of the state unfortunately. (If anyone is willing to ship me some I will gladly pay for the shipping costs!)


This stuff is just all around fantastic. I received a bottle as a gift from a vendor and wish I could buy more. I cant find it online at all, but I hear price wise its comparable to Makers.

Whiskey & Bourbon & Whisky thread. :wink:
Countries that have E’s in their names (UnitEd StatEs and IrEland) tend to spell it whiskEy (plural whiskeys)
Countries without E’s in their names (Canada, Scotland, and Japan) spell it whisky (plural whiskies)

I like this…

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yea yea… i addressed that in the first post…

I too am a big fan of the 1792 Ridgemont. If you want another cheaper Bourbon go try WL Weller 12 Year…it might be my favorite per $. (http://www.klwines.com/detail.asp?sku=630027)

I’m a huge Eagle Rare Bourbon drinker; like normally a bottle a week give or take; my nightly drink with dinner. Neat with 3 ice cubes and let rest for a little while; or mix with a splash of tonic.