FS: 306 shortblock

I have a 306 shortblock for sale. It has no miles on it since the rebuild. It has a stock crank and rods with trw forged pistons. New freeze plugs, all new bearings, and rings. I am selling because I am going with a 331 stroker. looking to get $500.00 obo. Thanks, Joe

Specs for pistons. these are the comp ratios with the cc of head you have. they are flattops with 4 valve releifs in them.

54.5cc 58.2cc 60.4cc 63cc 69cc
10.65 10.13 9.85 9.53 8.89

I am selling because I am going with a 331 stroker. looking to get $500.00 obo. Thanks, Joe

Make an offer. I need this out of my garage.



What cam?


there is no cam in the block.

hmm. would be neat to get my old shortblock back :smiley:

yeah, It would be sweet for you to have it back. You should buy it lol

ttt make an offer

ttt $450

did you get my PM?

hey, I just read your pm last night. Thanks for the offer, but the 306 has just been sold. sorry. If you need a block or something I have a stock 302 that came out of my car. I just need to get rid of it.