tank is black, no stand. has a newer hood on it with dual long halogen bulbs. has two brand new whisper 36 power filters cleaning it, NEW heater, and a 50gallon air pump bubbling in a decorative barrell. also has a few coral pieces in that the fish love to hide in. also, the bottom is crushed coral (blingbling$$).
inhabitants are: two (2) jack dempsey african cichlids ($$), one male one female. both are quite large, bigger than you’ll see in any stores; four (4) african cichlids of different ages and sizes, one yellow, two orange-y, and one rainbow; one (1) ahli cichlid which is a really cool blue color (and stupid expensive in stores); one unknown cichlid that was in the tank when i got it…he’s fast and avoids being eaten by the dempseys often lol; and four (4) blue mystery snails which look cool and keep most everything clean, along with not being eaten by the cichlids
this tank catches most peoples eyes who come into my house b/c of the halogen reflections on the crushed coral, plus the fish are pretty colors, plus apparently rare and expensive…pics below
now has a penguin 150 filter cleaning everything plus new bulbs and a new castle in the corner. all four snails are out as well as the fast cichlid