FS 44 Caliber rounds

I have 3.5 boxes (50 rounds each) of 44 mag rounds, mostly hollow points, the rest solid slugs, for sale. I sold my 44 mag.
$40.00 or b/o.
I didnt put the “FS” in front, sorry, I didnt know it was infraction worthy. Was my first time putting something up here.

holy shit I might go buy a 44 mag just to buy this cheap ass ammo

isn’t hollow point = armor piercing lol

shows how much i know about guns

will this fit my desert eagle??? jk

LOL!!! hollow point is not armor piercing omfg

and that is an absolute steal on Magnum ammo.

I got a guy who might buy it.

Hollow point works best when there is NO armor present, it will leave a nice crater though.

44 mag HPs make really nice melon sized exit wounds


44 mag HPs make really nice melon sized exit wounds


Me and a buddy were shooting bowling pins with my 44, most smaller rounds will just get buried into the pins but not the H.P. 44. It split one pin in half! If anyone ever shot a bowling pin, you know what kind of force it takes to destroy one.