I had a tiger oscar for awhile, he was def a smart fish. All I have now is a lonely betta, named FrenchFry by my daughter. I would love to get more fish again, but I am just more focused on my tort.
tort is da mann! anyone want a water dragon? lol im going to a reptile expo at the end of the month and im gonna pick up a red/orange bearded dragon
I love bearded dragons, they are a great pet, and they get to a nice size. Wheres this expo?
+1 …i have one…and want to get another one…
somewhere bear NYC, just google reptile expo NY I’m sure you’ll find it
:lol you have 1 of which? Of all things to quote, theres 3 animals in that sentence. j/k You want those rims I have still? Yes they are 17x7?
i have a bearded dragon
yes i do…i just need to work up some extra cash…i was sick and didnt work a lot this week… no work = no money
Selling my 4 inch Electric cat … 15.00 takes it
275 for tank and stand takes it !
[QUOTE=DUKE LADUKE;478175]Selling my 4 inch Electric cat … 15.00 takes it
were can i meet you at???
Did that wolf happen to jump outta the tank and into a bag?? :rofl
It can friday ?
Tmro I can meet up with anyone that wants the fish ahah or the tank after 330
text the cell 5185734757
:lol Niice
i kan haz free fishez?
Laduke, all of a sudden my fish tank got WICKED cloudy, wtf is goin on?? Only thing I can think is maybe the Algae tablets I gave to the Pleco fucked my shit up…?
Could be,
Looks like you are in need of a water test !
Fml, they are free at your place right?
yea cheap ass lol jk
How long do you leave your lights on the tank?
How old are the bulbs on your tank?
How often/ how much food?
How many fish ? size?
When have you done a water change?
How old is the tank set up with water and fish in it ?
All questions you are gonna get asked lol.
Oh btw
What did we do yesterday in class?
8-12hr of light
Bulbs are month old
Eat 2X a day
6 fish, 20G
Water changes weekly(20%)
In class just went over the chapters and kicked people out who didnt have the book lol.
I started playing Fishville on FB, because a female friend suggested it. I cant keep digital fish alive 24 hours… but I can keep real ones, but I guess thats what matters right? :lol
Do you have live plants??
If not then just leave the light off and only turn it on when you are feeding them for like 3-5 days.
Reduce feeding to about 1 time a day.
Shit should be good then. Hard to say withought a water test but it sounds like its a type of diatomic algae. Shit free floats around in little particals and could be white green or red in color. Algae will grow because of the light providing it food and possible excess food forming nitrates in the water.