FS 55 Gallon Fish tank and Stand

My loiselli fucked a Oscar, wanna bring 'em over? Haha

wait literally had babies ? … you would be a multi -billionaire if that happend lol.Or did you mean killed him ?

Lol nah I wish, he kill killed the Oscar and the piranhas ate his carcus lol

So Duklez, what is THE most aggressive fish outside of a big ass shark? Im talking kill any motha fucka in the tank aggressive :lol

Black piranha

I checked them out, and alot of em seemed really docile… Idk if it was justh their upbringing or enviornment or what…

A guy I know had some kind of piranhas and they scratched the shit out of the glass tank they were in.
We were stoned and fucked with them to piss them off a few times.

Alot of the piranha family is mostly shy and skittish, not at all like portrayed on tv, I can reach in the tank and try to grab them with no problems but when I had just 3 of them they had no problem eating a 12-13" tiger Oscar and now I have 8 idk even though they are skittish they are absolutely amasing fish and fun to watch, if anyone has any meat that’s going bad or dead/ live fish bring 'em on over if u wanna see some cool shit haha


Haha nice! Im surprised how many people are into fish on this site. My Oscars are cool as fuck, and they are 10X smarter than the other fish I have lol. They recognize ya from across the room and beg all the time, pretty funny shit

i was just thinking today how much i missed my albino and tiger oscars, they were babies and i had them used to eating out of my hand and everything, they are certainly the puppys of the fish, and are insanely smart

Yeah, mine are wicked small right now, maybe 3" or so. The only thing Im not looking forward to is buying a big tank setup in a few years…

dont worry, between now and then you will come across a good deal, it will only be another 9months or so until you will really need it, train yours to jump out of the water for food its so fun, but sometimes they land on the floor haha

Haha, yeah they are already doin that to get the bloodworms off my finger, cool little bastards lol

yeah they go nutty for bloodworms. i need to get rid of my SA Cichlids asap lol

Yea pirahna is probably one of the most agressive south american.

You got a couple close ones that are known to be aggressive

Red devil

if anybody is interested in fish heres a local website that is all about fish there is alot of people that realy know ther stuff on fish


I used to always buy my fish over at Davie’s Locker in Albany. That guy really knows his stuff too.

Davie sucks,people come into my work with tons of problems with there stuff

I’ve bought a ton of fish from Davie’s and I never had a single problem or complaint. The guy knows his stuff too.

I’ve bought from Eddies before too and have never had issues.