FS: 91 Honda civic b16/turbo partout

i had the seal replaced the day it took a shit.it was gary who did it.thats awesome

OUCH! That sucks Joe

I’ll call you tomm Mike. I’ll cut you a deal on the VC

sounds good.

mike ill buy your valve cover!

Is the entire dash fucked? I need some of the lower console pieces. Like the trim around the radio and shit like that.


pm me a price

ohhh ya i got some tenzo r buckets for my winter beater. ridin in style


price on fuel pump?

I have to pull it out for another nyspeeder… so yeah… pending


Block is in excellent cond. Walls are perfect. SOmeone should buy it, slap a tranny and head and wuallaaaa… Make offer
Pretty much the whole bottom end assembled

guess i will have to be a flaker :frowning:

is the body kit fiberglassed on to the body? I cant tell in the pictures.

good question… havent looked at it lol

Thats fine,… :slight_smile:



damn who bought all this shit bro?

Local guy… :meh:
All it needs is a head to run. Everything else was there. :frowning:
Now i kinda regret it. I shouldve bought the head and sold it for more.

o well…

shit , very true. haha oh well. Start building something now !

fuck! i want blue valve cover!

do you have a stock gsr one?